Death and Mourning

Death is natural and inevitable, according to Judaism. For those in mourning over the loss of a loved one, Jewish laws on death and mourning can help them to work through their pain even though the rituals may seem complex. On contacting the shul at this difficult time you will be given all the assistance needed to do everything required.

There are three distinct phases to the process, the burial, Shiva and the stone setting. The burial usually takes place whenever possible within 24 hours and the mourner will then sit Shiva for a week when friends and family will visit to support them with their company and gifts of food. The next 11 months is designated as the year of mourning and at the end of this there will be a stone setting, which is in effect a gathering of all who perhaps could not attend the burial to come together to remember the one who has died.


Guidance following death of a member of the Liverpool Reform Synagogue



Further information from The Movement for Reform Judaism